Release forms are in the bottom box between the score boards. Schooling Fees are posted at same location
Completed Release Form and payment must be placed in the top locked mailbox before going out on course.
All riders must wear a helmet at all times and safety vest when schooling the XC course
Medical armband optional
No lone riders: Except the Friday after 2PM prior to Schooling Shows. Anyone riding on the XC course must be accompanied by another person in some capacity
Children under 16 must have adult supervision at all times
No motorized vehicles on the XC Course
To preserve footing, no more than three attempts are allowed at any one jump or combination
Competition arenas closed unless specified
NO EXCEPTIONS –Failure to follow the above rules could jeopardize access to courses in the future
Cross-Country Schooling
Please call or text Launa DesPortes to confirm course reservations/conditions – (706) 681-8748
Course will be CLOSED during the following: (please see our event calendar for event dates)
> the Thursday prior an event until the end of an event
> during the 2-week period prior to a Horse Trial
> during construction
Dressage and Stadium Jump Schooling
Due to limited staffing ONLY open the Sunday following each schooling show of each month (weather permitting)